After the ceremony is over on YouTube premiere, visit this 2020 Social Work Graduation microsite, where you can re-watch the ceremony videos and see the slides recognizing each graduate individually with their photo and personal message.
The Steve Hicks School of Social Work will host a virtual commencement ceremony honoring BSW, MSSW and PhD graduates. Please join us!
Watch the ceremony
Saturday May 23, 3:00 p.m. CDT:Access the ceremony via YouTube Premiere. If you have a YouTube/Gmail account, please login so you can comment and interact with others in real time as the video of the ceremony plays. The program will include remarks from Dean Luis H. Zayas, BSW student speaker Tony J. Yerks, MSSW student speaker Rachel Parker, introduction of the PhD graduates, and congratulatory messages from social work faculty.
After the premiere:Visit the commencement ceremony microsite.On this microsite, you can re-watch the ceremony videos and see personalized slides that recognize each graduate individually. The slides are customized with a photo and a personal message that graduates have submitted. When opening the slide, student name, degree and honors will be announced aloud. The slides can be shared on social media and downloaded as a graduation memento.
Share on social media using #SteveHicksGrad
Graduates and their families are encouraged to post graduation photos as well as videos, photos and boomerangs of commencement celebrations using #SteveHicksGrad.
#SteveHicksGrad content will be featured on the Steve Hicks School’s social media accounts.
#SteveHicksGrad content will be included in a commencement recap video. We would love for all 2020 Steve Hicks School graduates to be on it!
Help us celebrate 2020 graduates
2020 graduates may not have the real-time crowd but you can still feel some pomp and circumstance. See this article from alumna Grace Dowd for nine ideas for graduates and their families on how to celebrate on May 23. Some of the highlights:
Car parades: Friends, family, and loved ones can hop in their cars for socially distant and safe drive-by graduation celebrations. Check out this drive-by birthday party for 8-year old Raleigh Cardenas for inspiration.
Walk across your own stage: Create your own stage to walk across in your living room, patio, or sidewalk. Wear your cap and gown, and have your loved ones (pets included!) celebrate you and shake your hand. Check out the many options in this John Krasinski episode, starting at minute 6:25 and at the end.
Decorations and watch parties: On May 23, decorate your house with UT swag, and get together with classmates, friends and loved ones via Zoom or other medium to watch the Steve Hicks School commencement ceremony at 3 p.m. CDT and university-wide commencement ceremony at 9:00 p.m CDT.