Texas System of Care receives SAMHSA awards

Texas System of Care1Texas System of Care, one of the projects at the Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health, has won two Gold National Awards for Excellence in Communications and Community Outreach (ECCO) from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Texas System of Care is an initiative led by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, the Department of State Health Services, and the Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health in collaboration with child-serving state agencies, family and youth advocacy organizations and other stakeholders within the Texas children’s mental health service delivery system.  The initiative seeks to strengthen the collaboration of state and local efforts in order to weave mental health supports and services into seamless systems of care for children, youth and their families.

SAMHSA ECCO awards showcase and celebrate the outstanding achievements in communications and social marketing by system of care communities. Texas System of Care has received one ECCO award for its Social Marketing Plan and another for its Webinar Series.