Restore Rundberg featured on Fox 7 and KXAN News

Dr. Cal Streeter at the Rundberg photo exhibit

Dr. Cal Streeter at the Rundberg photo exhibit

Restore Rundberg, a community-based initiative to reduce crime in a North Austin area, was featured on Fox 7 and KXAN News. As part of this initiative, Dr. Cal Streeter and social work students facilitated a project in which middle schoolers captured the Rundberg neighborhood through photography (watch the Fox 7 video and the KXAN video).

Restore Rundberg is a partnership between the community, the Austin Police Department, and a research team headed by Dr. David Springer, professor at the School of Social Work and director of the RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service in the LBJ School of Public Affairs.

With funding from the Obama Administration’s Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, the partnership focuses on criminal hot-spot areas within Rundberg, and utilizes innovative methodologies to reduce crime and engage community members in voicing their needs and considerations for the future of their neighborhood.