Screening, brief intervention, referral and treatment (SBIRT)

The Georgia BASICS (Brief Assessment, Screening, Intervention, and Continuum of Care System) Initiative will expand and enhance the state’s substance abuse service delivery system, increasing the identification and treatment of persons at risk for or diagnosed with Substance Use Disorders. Through BASICS, targeted SBIRT services will be implemented at The Medical Center of Central Georgia (MCCG), Macon, Georgia and Grady Memorial Hospital (Grady), Atlanta, Georgia. Under the BASICS initiative the UT HBRT team, under the direction of Drs. Mary M. Velasquez (Principal Investigator) and Nanette Stephens (Director of Training), will provide coaching to MI trained specialists at MCCG and Grady in Motivational Interviewing-based Brief Interventions

Georgia Dept. of Health and Medical Center of Central GA/ SAMSHA