Developing clinical interventions for family members of homicide victims


The Victims Intervention Program, Inc (VIPI) in St. Paul, Minnesota provides facilitated support groups for survivors of homicide victims. The purpose of this study is to document the methods used by VIPI as part of a larger initiative to research and manualize a clinically effective practice model for use with this population.


Qualitative interviews were conducted with the founder and Director of VIPI about the theory used to facilitate posthomicide healing. Interviews were conducted with the facilitators of the support groups after each group meeting to study how the theory was being implemented. Interviews were conducted with group members about the group experience with an emphasis on pivotal moments and/or insights responsible for change. Interviews are being transcribed for analysis.


A study on the effectiveness of the model is planned using a control group of members of Parents of Murdered Children.

Center for Social Work Research, The University of Texas at Austin