Minority drug abuse prevention and treatment

The Center for Social Work Research (CSWR) in the School of Social Work (SSW) at the University of Texas at Austin (UT) received funding from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health to plan a federal proposal to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to develop a Social Work Research Development Program (SWRDP) that focuses on ethnicity and psychosocial factors as they relate to strategies for improving drug abuse prevention and treatment (including treatment readiness, engagement, utilization, retention, and outcomes). The CSWR proposed building an infrastructure for drug abuse research in the SSW and to increase participation of UT Social Work faculty in interdisciplinary drug abuse research with the goal of increasing the quality of interventions aimed at reducing drug abuse and addiction in the US, especially among African American and Mexican American children, adults, and families. In Fall 2001, CSWR was awarded a SWRDP from NIDA. Drs. Jim Neff and Diana DiNitto are co-investigators for this program.

Hogg Foundation for Mental Health

Keywords: child welfare, families, children, youth