Seller/server training evaluation study

The Center for Social Work Research and the University of Texas at Austin worked with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) to perform a study to determine what, if any, impact the seller-server training program is having on those who sell or serve alcohol to minors or to intoxicated persons. Staff utilized a sample of 300 licensed retailers provided by the TABC in each of three cities – Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas/Fort Worth – to generate surveys for 150 Minor stings and 150 Intoxicated stings. Upon the completion of the Minor stings and testing, staff will compile and analyze the data. Based on this analysis, staff will write a final report describing the analysis and will bring the report to a major conclusion of whether the state seller/server training program is “effective.” That is, are trained seller/servers now less likely to sell/serve minors or intoxicated people?

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission