Strengthening Homes in Partnership (SHIP)

Principal Investigator:
Dennis Haynes, Ph.D.
Darlene Grant, Ph.D.
Allen Rubin, Ph.D.
Kate Wambach, Ph.D.

Duration: 94 – 96

A team of faculty researchers conducted and completed the external evaluation of Project SHIP (Strengthening Homes in Partnership). The project’s goal, from September 1994 to February 1996, was to enhance family functioning and stability by providing intensive family preservation services to substance abusing families who are reported to the Travis County Children’s Protective Services (CPS) and who are also currently involved in the criminal justice system as a result of substance-related crimes. The SHIP Project added both an intensive and a family component to the services that were currently being provided through the criminal justice system, and bring together collaboration between CPS, the criminal justice system, and the substance abuse treatment community. This demonstration project also continued to track families previously served by the SAF-T Project. The SHIP Project was evaluated using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Interviews, focus groups, and standardized measures were used to assess the effectiveness of the project. The SHIP Project Report was completed June 1996 and is available through the Center for Social Work Research Library.

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services