Texas Crime Victims Services Survey

The Center for Social Work Research (CSWR) assisted the Crime Victims’ Institute of the Office of the Attorney General in the analysis of a survey of crime victim services programs in the state of Texas. The survey collected information such as services offered, number of crime victims served, types of victimization, victim demographics, referral sources, advertising, number of staff available, and interaction with the Crime Victims’ Compensation Program.

In a second phase of the research project, CSWR assisted the Crime Victims’ Institute with analysis of a survey of crime victims in the state of Texas. In addition, six focus groups were held throughout the state with service providers and victims of violent crime. The focus of the survey and focus groups was the impact of crime on victims and their needs in terms of service provision. The results of the survey will be used to develop a crime victims’ research agenda for Texas.

Crime Victims’ Institute, Texas Office of the Attorney General