Telling their stories, claiming a voice: Life stories of HIV+ women

Principal Investigator:
Dorie Gilbert, Ph.D.

Duration: 96 – 99

Life Stories of HIV+ Women is an on-going research project initiated in November of 1996. The research involves in-depth interviews of women living with HIV/AIDS and provides an opportunity for the women to create a written legacy for their children, families, and significant others. Little is known about the life experiences of these women and information obtained from the interviews can contribute much to the AIDS-related knowledge base. The interviews are transcribed and analyzed by the researcher for common themes and salient concerns. Social service agencies, researchers, and helping professionals would benefit from learning more about the meaning of the epidemic to these women, the changes in their natural relationships, and their concerns with living. The results will be reported in one or more scholarly articles.

University Research Institute, The University of Texas at Austin