MSSW Student Unit at Travis County Children’s Protective Services Region 7

The MSSW Student Unit at Travis County Children’s Protective Services (CPS) is a long-standing partnership that has been funded with Title IV-B monies through a contract with the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, Region 7, until this year. As of September 2000, the Student Unit is funded through Title IV-E funds, which offers students an opportunity for an education stipend in exchange for employment with the agency following graduation. Field Specialist Tammy Linseisen serves as the instructor for MSSW students placed with the unit. Six first-year MSSW students and two second-year MSSW students have internship placements with the Student Unit each year. Students provide services to meet client needs that agency staff is unable to provide due to existing demands on their time. This arrangement allows services to be provided to some clients whose cases would ordinarily be closed. Students also manage most of the out-of-town inquiries and interstate compact studies and placements for Travis County CPS.