March 4-5, 2016
Families as They Really Are: Demographics, Disparities, and Debates
Julius Glickman Conference Center, CLA Building
Join the Council on Contemporary Families for two days of interactive panels and workshops that will provide researchers, clinicians, non-profit professionals, and journalists the opportunity to directly engage with some of the most influential family scholars in the United States as they discuss contemporary trends in family life and their links to family policy and disparities in health and well-being.
Additional highlights include flash sessions spotlighting the newest work of junior family scholars, a media workshop on effective public engagement and communication of family scholarship, a media awards luncheon, and a celebration of the recently published 2nd edition of the book Families as They Really Are (Barbara Risman and Virginia Rutter, Eds.).
Keynote addresses will feature Wendy Manning (Bowling Green State University), author of the brief that helped sway Justice Kennedy on gay marriage, and Dolores Acevedo Garcia (Brandeis University), creator of the first interactive, online database on child well-being and opportunity.
Panel presentations and workshops will feature the research and expertise of an exciting lineup of family scholars from across the country: Zhenchao Qian (Brown University); Jenifer Bratter (Rice University); Marcia Carlson (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Kelly Raley (University of Texas at Austin); Sharon Sassler (Cornell University); Liana Sayer (University of Maryland); Daniel Carlson (Georgia State University); Fenaba Addo (University of Wisconsin – Madison); Yolanda Padilla (University of Texas Austin); Velma McBride Murray, (Vanderbilt University); Carla Pfeffer (University of South Carolina); Debra Umberson, (University of Texas Austin); Shawn Fremstad (Center for American Progress) and Stephanie Coontz (CCF Co-Director of Research and Public Education).