London Maymester in Summer 2020

Every May, social work faculty take a group of students to London to study social justice and social change from a critical international perspective.

Through immersion into London’s city life, students deepen their understanding of social justice, experience a diverse and multicultural landscape, and explore the historical roots of social welfare and social work. Students also work on in-depth projects where they explore a contemporary social justice issue in conjunction with local social service agencies.

  • Next Maymester dates: May 25 – June 21, 2020
  • Application deadline: November 15, 2019
  • Information sessions:
    • September 18, 12:30pm, SSW 2.206
    • October 4, noon, MEZ 1.104
    • October 17, 4:30 pm, SSW 2.206
    • October 29, 4:00 pm, MEZ 1.122

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