Feb. 1: Research Brown Bag with Dr. Maxwell – Latest Trends in Drug Use

AUSTIN, Texas – Dr. Jane C. Maxwell, senior research scientist in the Addiction Research Institute of the Center for Social Work Research at The University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work, will present at the “Research Brown Bag” Wednesday, February 1, from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the school’s Room 2.132.

In her presentation, “Old research projects, new research projects: What can they tell us about drug trends?,” Maxwell will discuss her various research projects, including a study of methamphetamine users. In addition to her NIDA-funded study, Maxwell is involved in research on impaired drivers and epidemiological studies on substance use in Texas, along the U.S.-Mexico border, and nationally. Using data from all these studies, Maxwell will provide an update on the latest trends in drug use, including use of synthetic marijuana and use of “bath salts.”

Maxwell has been a member of the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services National Advisory Council and is a member of the Drug Abuse Advisory Committee to the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. She is also a member of the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s Community Epidemiology and Border Epidemiology Work Groups and an elected member of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, the Research Society on Alcoholism, and the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety.

Maxwell has been a Fulbright Senior Specialist and is an adjunct professor at the Centre for Accident Research, Queensland University of Technology. Her research specialties include trends and patterns of substance abuse in Texas, nationally, and internationally, with special interest on the U.S.-Mexico border; research in patterns of use and abuse of methamphetamine, party drugs, methadone, heroin, and prescription drugs; impaired driving programs; and the relationship of substance abuse and HIV/AIDS.

For more information about the Center for Social Work Research and the “Research Brown Bag” series, contact Linda Solomon, Assistant to the Associate Dean for Research. lsolomon@austin.utexas.edu