DiNitto Center ranked #1 based on peer reviews

Career exploration workshop at the DiNitto Center. Photo by Jasmine Peters.

Career exploration workshop at the DiNitto Center. Photo by Jasmine Peters.

Graduate Programs, a website that provides information to prospective graduate students through peer-written ratings and reviews, has identified The University of Texas at Austin’s School of Social Work as the top program for career support.

Career support at the School of Social Work is provided by the DiNitto Center for Career Services, under the direction of Jennifer Luna-Idunate.

The DiNitto Center provide a variety of services to assist students and alumni with their social work career development, and to support students as they prepare to transition into the professional job market. Services include an exclusive online jobs bulletin, workshops, individual career advising, review of resumes and cover letters, informational handouts, information and resources on social work licensure in Texas, and writing consultations.

See this recent article featuring one of the career exploration workshops at the DiNitto Center.