Professional Development

The Office of Professional Development at the Steve Hicks School of Social Work has provided excellence in continuing professional education since 2000. We provide the following services:

  • Continuing Education Credits (CEUs):
    • Visit the registration site.
    • Note: Due to the impact of COVID-19, several of our upcoming events are now being offered as live online programs, others are in the process of being rescheduled, and new COVID-19 related online recordings and live events are being added.  Please visit our site for the latest updates. 
  • On-line Continuing Education credits (CEUs): Visit our Online Continuing Education page.
  • Technical assistance: We are available to coordinate training events in collaboration with community organizations. Faculty from the School can provide expertise in a wide range of areas. Contact us.
  • CEU certification for outside community workshops. Contact us for information on application procedures.

Keep in touch with us:

  • Subscribe to our minimal traffic mailing list (enter your email address at the prompt and follow the directions provided).
  • Join us on Facebook to stay up-to-date with our workshops and events.

I welcome your suggestions, interests, and needs for future programming and continuing education.

Liz Nowicki, ACSW, LCSW
Director, Office of Professional Development
Steve Hicks School of Social Work
Ph: (512) 471-2886
Fx: (512) 232-3700