Armour on Restorative Discipline in schools

Headshot of Dr. Marilyn Armour in the School of Social Work.

Marilyn Armour

There is a wealth of research on the relationship between school discipline and academic achievement among school age children and adolescents. Studies show persistent racial disparities in the type, frequency and harshness of discipline meted out to students, and these disparities in turn contribute to lower levels of achievement and even the “school to prison pipeline” for minority students.

Marilyn Armour, social work professor and director of the Institute for Restorative Justice and Restorative Dialogue (IRJRD), was in Into the Fold, the podcast of the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health.

In the episode, she explains what Restorative Discipline is, why Restorative Discipline and its philosophical underpinning, restorative justice, are starting to catch on in Texas, and ways that the approach can be implemented.

Read more and listen to the podcast.