School Institute releases Texas Drug Trends report

2013 Texas Drug Trends

Graphic from the report showing that metamphetamine indicators are close to approaching the levels of use before the pseudo ephedrine ban

The Addictions Research Institute (ARI) has just released the 2013 Texas Drug Trends report. This report  contains the latest data from student and adult surveys, treatment admissions, human exposure cases handed by poison control centers, drug mortality, information on seized drugs identified by forensic laboratories, price, trafficking and supply information, purity data, and reports by users and street outreach workers.

Drs. Jane Maxwell and Richard Spence, from ARI, are members of the Community Epidemiology Working Group (CEWG), a network of researchers from major metropolitan areas of the United States who meet semiannually to discuss the current epidemiology of drug abuse. The group was established in 1976 by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to provide ongoing community-level surveillance of drug abuse through analysis of quantitative and qualitative research data.