Feb. 9: Medical homes for children and adults with complex conditions

IPE logoMonday, February 9
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
The University of Texas at Austin
School of Nursing, room 4.2813


An interprofessional panel of clinicians and researchers will present lessons learned from two clinics:

  • Key challenges and knowledge gained from pediatric and adult medical home clinics
  • Preliminary quality and research data to evaluate innovative approaches of addressing complex care
  • Initial findings from a study of the impact of medical homes on families

Speakers include Barbara Jones and Kendra Koch, from the School of Social Work; Mrinalini Kulkarni Date from the Dell Medical School, Toni Wakefield from Southwestern-Austin Programs, and Mari-Ann Alexander from Dell Children Medical Center. For more information, contact Candace McCray at IPEstaff@nursing.utexas.edu or call 512-471-8637.