October 10: Fairbanks Lecture with Gilbert Cole

Gilbert Cole

Dr. Gilbert Cole

In Case of Emergency, Sit Still, Do Nothing, and Listen: Psychoanalysis and Urgent Demand
By Dr. Gilbert W. Cole
Friday, October 10, 2014, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Utopia Theater, School of Social Work

Free admission.  CEU Fee: $5 for 3.0 CEUs (payable on-site)

The practice of psychoanalysis may seem to most people to be ill-suited to an emergency.  But it is important to be clear about what we have in mind when we talk about emergencies and the feeling of urgent demand they can place on the person who seeks to intervene.  This Fairbanks Lecture will explore this sense of emergency and how a psychoanalytic approach aids clinicians when they are confronted by urgent demand.

Gilbert W. Cole, Ph.D., LCSW, is a guest lecturer at the Union Theological Seminary.  He has taught the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center, the National Institute for the Psychotherapies, and the Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis in New York City.  He is a contributing editor for Studies in Gender and Sexuality.   Papers have appeared in Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Studies in Gender and Sexuality, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, and Contemporary Psychoanalysis.  His book, Infecting the Treatment: Being an HIV Positive Analyst (Analytic Press, 2002) got a Gradiva Award nomination from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis.  His novel, Fortune’s Bastard: Love’s Pains Recounted (Chelsea Station Editions) debuted Spring 2013.