Non-profit leadership program available

BootCampThe School’s Office of Professional Development is launching a certificate program in non-profit leadership.

The program consists of five intensive sessions starting October 1st and running through March 4, 2014. More information about the sessions here (pdf).

“We are excited to offer this program, designed and facilitated by three innovative social work leaders who share a passion for the world of human services,” said Liz Nowicki, director of the Office of Professional Development. “The Non-profit Leadership Boot Camp Program was developed in response to requests for post-masters training in non-profit management. It is designed as a ‘boot camp’ offering intensive sessions to increase strength and flexibility in the face of today’s challenges in the non-profit world.”

Russell Smith, Julia Cuba and Meg Poag designed the boot camp and will be teaching or co-teaching all sessions.

Russell Smith is a non-profit leader with over twenty-two years of experience in running non-profit and governmental organizations in Houston and Austin. He currently serves as the Executive Director for the Austin Child Guidance Center. Julia Cuba is a School alumna and the Executive Director of GENAustin, The Girls Empowerment Netwokr of Austin. Meg Poag is also a School alumna, and has been the Executive Director of the Literacy Coalition for over five years.

Sessions cover topics ranging from strategic planning to community engagement and financial management. More information and link to register here.