Recruitment and promotion of classified staff: The dean, through consultation with the program directors, assistant to the dean and chief business officer, makes all decisions on available classified staff positions within the school. Relevant policies from the Handbook of Operating Procedures (University Policy Office):
Policy memorandum 5.1030-PM: addresses promotion and recruitment for administrative and professional personnel.
Time sheets: Official time reports are submitted via Workday.
Overtime: Overtime work is available only under certain circumstances and must be pre-approved by the supervisor and the dean. Extra time may be accrued as compensatory time, see policy 5.4010 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (University Policy Office).
Breaks: Policy 5.2120 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (University Policy Office) addresses employees’ breaks and rest periods.
Sick leave: See policy 5-4210 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (University Policy Office).
Vacation/leave policy: Staff members must request permission from their supervisors to take vacation time, floating holiday, accrued compensatory time, jury duty, or military leave. For details on vacation and leave policy, see policy 5-4110 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (University Policy Office).
Taking coursework during work day: See policy 5.2140 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (University Policy Office).
Longevity pay: See policy 5-3130 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (University Policy Office).
Performance evaluations: Must be completed annually by all classified staff and non-faculty professional staff. These are done by the supervisor and discussed with the individual staff member. Once completed, a copy is forwarded to the dean. For more instructions and a sample copy of a performance evaluation, go to Human Resources/Performance appraisals. See also section 5.2310 of the Handbook of Operating Procedures (University Policy Office).
Outside employment: Whether remunerative or not, shall not conflict with or compromise the primary obligations the employee has to the university. See policy 5-2270 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (University Policy Office).
Political activities: The university affirms the right of a member of the staff to participate in political activities so long as such political activities do not interfere with the discharge of the duties and responsibilities that he/she owes to The University of Texas at Austin, and so long as such political activity does not involve The University of Texas at Austin in partisan politics. See policy 9.87 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (University Policy Office).