Texas Child Care Market Rate Survey

The Texas Institute for Child & Family Wellbeing has released the final report of the 2016 Texas Child Care Market Rate Survey. This report, prepared for the Texas Workforce Commission, summarizes child care market rate data for the entire state of Texas. Results are presented in two main sections: the first provides  child care rates, the second describes the prevalence of services and financial and organizational arrangements.

A comparison with the data reported in 2015 reveals several interesting trends at the statewide level:
  • Overall, across facility types and age groups, median daily rates increased by about 3.9 percent during this period, or about $0.77 per day
  • Parts of the Dallas/Fort Worth area and the Austin region have the most expensive child care in the state. The least expensive care in the state is in the Lower Rio Grande Valley.
  • Part-day infant and toddler care are the most difficult to find.

Access the full report.