Learning Resource Center

The Learning Resource Center (LRC) is located on the ground floor of the Steve Hicks School of Social Work building. The center is designed to accommodate all social work students and faculty, including persons with mobility impairments. UT Austin work-study students staff the LRC. The LRC is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. during the regular long session semesters. Summer hours are posted at the LRC. Please call 471-9223 for more information. The LRC and Steve Hicks School of Social Work building are closed when there are home football games.


Clayton Shorkey, Ph.D., LCSW
Professor & Director
Phone: 512-471-0520

The Learning Resources Center  supports educational programs by providing:

  • Reserved Readings
  • Reference Collection
  • Journals
  • Audio/Visual Collection
  • Audio/Visual Studios
  • Computer Lab
  • Study Area
  • Global Art Collection

Holdings and Resources Available in the LRC:

Reserved Reading

Journal articles, documents, DVDs, and books for students, provided by faculty for their classes are available at the service desk of the LRC. These materials are for student use in the reading room. A current student I.D. must be left at the front desk when using the materials.

Reference Collection

The reference collection includes items such as the Social Work Encyclopedia, Social Work Dictionary, DSM 5, APA Style Manual, an extensive collection of books, tests, and monographs on clinical assessment and program evaluation.


An resource collection including all nationally published social work journals and a broad range of key journals in mental health, children, adolescence, families, chemical dependence, health, gerontology and cultural diversity. The materials are available in loving memory of Josleen Lockhart, who was a faculty member at the school from 1956-1978. These resources may be used by students in the reading room or checked out (for three hours) for photocopying purposes. This resource collection is a non-circulating collection. Indexes to all journals are available in the entry area of the LRC.


The LRC provides a collection of over 700 DVDs for use by students or for faculty use in classes. Materials may be viewed at any time the LRC is open. The complete list of the DVDs is available in the LRC.


Faculty and students may reserve either of the two small studios, or one large studio, at the front desk of the LRC. Reservations should be made at least 3 days in advance to assure availability. Individuals scheduling the facilities for use with clients from field agencies should have special written approval from their field instructor. All studios are equipped with a color camera, video recorder, and monitor. Students are required to provide their own blank DVDs for class projects.


The Computer Lab has three Windows OS and three Mac OS computers and a UT Print copier. The lab is available for student use during the regular operating hours.


The study area is equipped with wireless network access, TVs with DVD players and headphones for reviewing audio/visual materials. In addition carrels for studying alone and tables for group projects are available without reservation.


The LRC has a rich collection of original artwork celebrating diverse cultures from around the globe provided by former social work students.


If you are unable to find the educational resources you need in the LRC, speak with one of the students on duty who will make every effort to help you. If the student is unable to help, please contact Dr. Shorkey who is always willing to help you find the resources you need.